Sunday Morning
Time: 11AM Sunday Mornings.
All are welcome.
Location: Dara Cinema, Main Street, Naas, Co. Kildare
Click here for a map
Please feel free to come and join in our worship and fellowship every Sunday morning at 11am. We believe in a kind and loving God who enjoys meeting with His people – our meeting is aimed at coming into His presence, hearing what He has to say and responding to His Spirit.
Our Sunday morning meeting starts with praise and worship. The scripture says to “Come into His presence with thanksgiving and praise.” We aim to have liberty in worship and to glorify God with our praise.
We believe in the Word of God as the final authority for our lives. Each week we take the time to listen to an message from the Word which will challenge, encourage and broaden our understanding of God’s word.
Children’s Church
During the the message the children split up for their own activities where they will learn more about God and stories from His Word.